
Step 1. To create a good copy it is important to get all measurements correct. With this easy tool i will help you with your calculations. Underneath this text are two input fields, first we measure the with of the picture you want to copy and after we will fill out the height of the same picture.

Picture of the author

Step 2. This step is important to get the right aspact-ratio, you do not want to get the height of the copy right but make it way to thin, right? So if you know the max-height of your canvas and max-width you want to use or can use, fill it out underneath this text.

Picture of the author

Step 3. This step is not mandatory to continue but can be usefull, let's say you calculated the max-height but you need some space for tape. Fill out the margin you want to use. Press the calculate button and see your results

Step 4. Press the button and see your max-height an width in the correct ratio

The maximum height of your frame = 0 cm

The maximum width of your frame = 0 cm

Step 5. Now we have a lot of values that are known. With these values we can calculate the positions of objects on your canvas. Lets say you are copying a portrait and you want to know the exact position of the pupil. On your printout the pupil starts 10cm from the top and 9.8cm from the left. Fill out these values in the inputfields underneath and press calculate. You now know the exact position on your canvas.

1-Arrow Up
20 cm
1-Arrow Up
20 cm